Learning Leaders
A learning leader's role is to support a student’s academic achievement through the accurate use of data and a wide range of creative intervention strategies.
The Learning Leader role is an integral part of securing positive academic outcomes for the school.
The school has six Learning Leaders who work across the students in different year groups.
Each Learning Leader is responsible for the academic progress for students, using data and liaising with teachers to ensure all students are making appropriate progress. Due to the pressures of the GCSEs, one Learning Leader works more extensively with year 11 to ensure all students are well prepared for their exams and are given the tools they require to succeed.
To ensure students are well prepared as they journey through key stage 3, Learning Leaders liaise with tutors to identify any areas of concern and provide appropriate support such as study skills and revision programmes. Learning Leaders provide and facilitate intervention for students and work with outside agencies to best support individuals with their studying needs. Learning Leaders also work with parents through 1-to-1 and whole group meetings to provide advice regarding exam pressures and approaches to revision.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s academic progress, please feel free to contact the appropriate Learning Leader;
Cross Community Year 7
Learning Leader for Year 7, Miss H Diamond - holly.diamond@swale.at
Cross Community Year 8
Learning Leader for Year 8, Mr T Harrison - thom.harrison@swale.at
Cross Community Year 9 :
Learning Leader for Year 9, Mr J Wells - jason.wells@swale.at
Cross Community Year 10 :
Learning Leader for Year 10, Mr L Dehara - lloyd.dehara@swale.at
Cross Community Year 11 :
Learning Leader for Year 11, Miss K Koselj - katja.koselj@swale.at
Cross Community Sixth Form:
Learning Leader for Sixth Form, Mrs Knight – karen.knight@swale.at
Whilst Learning Leaders will endeavour to respond to telephone calls during the day, please be aware that all Learning Leaders teach a full-time timetable, therefore, email is usually the best form of communication.