Performing Arts
Subject Overview
The aim of the Performing Arts is to provide students with a grounding in the different disciplines so they learn to respond creatively and imaginatively; thereby developing skills and confidence in creating, performing and appreciating a variety of styles and influences in dance, drama and music. Studying Performing Arts enables students to learn and develop lifelong skills that will enable them to become more reflective and independent learners as well as confident adults.
Students will learn how to perform set phrases and apply technical, performance and mental skills to develop their abilities. They will learn how to perform in contact safely and develop an awareness of safe practice. Students will also be taught how to develop and choreograph their own phrases so that they can explore their own creative style.
Over the course of KS3, students will study a range of units and skills including;
- Basic Body Actions
- Choreographic Devices
- Contact
- Street Dance
- Cultural Dance
- Appreciation of Professional Works
The course objectives for Dance at KS4 are to enable students to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of dance as choreographer, performer and critic. The course is split into two components: Performance and Choreography, and Dance Appreciation.
Component 1 - Performance & Choreography
- A trio based on the set phrases (approximately 3 and a half minutes).
- Two set phrases are learned and performed as a solo (approximately 1 minute).
- 30% Overall Grade
- Either a solo or group choreography of between three to three and a half minutes, choreographed in response to a range of stimuli chosen by the examination board.
- 30% Overall Grade
Component 2: Dance Appreciation
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes
- Knowledge and understanding of choreographic processes and performing skills.
- Critical appreciation of own work.
- Critical appreciation of professional works. The questions in the written paper are based on students' own practice in performance and choreography and the GCSE Dance Anthology.
- 40% Overall Grade
At Key Stage 3, students will experience Drama through skills based workshops, reading and performing scripts, and devising projects. Throughout the lessons they will develop their creativity and performance skills.
Over the course of KS3, students will study a range of units and skills including;
- Storytelling
- Working with a Script
- Shakespeare
- Mime
- Devising Theatre
Drama at Key Stage 4 follows the Edexcel GCSE Drama course and includes units in Devising, Performing from Texts, and Theatre Makers in Practice. Each unit requires practical performance and written coursework, so students must be prepared to perform to an audience as well as support their practical activities with written work.
Component 1: Devising
Non-examination assessment: 40% of the qualification
- Create and develop a devised piece from a stimulus.
- Performance of this devised piece.
- Analyse and evaluate the devising process and performance.
Component 2: Performance from Text
Non-examination assessment: 20% of the qualification
- Students will perform in two key extracts from a performance text.
Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice
Written examination: 1 hour 45 minutes - 40% of the qualification
- Practical exploration and study of one complete performance text.
- Live theatre evaluation.
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Music is offered throughout KS3 in years 7, 8 and 9, where the main focus of lessons is on the practical application of key musical elements whilst developing ensemble performance and composition skills. Each unit of work culminates in a final class performance and is assessed on a combination of students' practical ability and participation in music making activities, as well as their ability to reflect on their practice and appraise various music styles.
Over the course of KS3, students will study a range of units and skills including;
- Musical Elements and Ensemble Communication
- Composition
- Performance Skills
- Music in Film & Media
- Developing Vocal Skills
- Songwriting
In Year 7, students study six specialised schemes of work focused primarily on the musical elements and ensemble communication; where students engage with a range of musical instruments and singing activities and explore various performance styles. Students will also be given the opportunity to improvise and develop a basic understanding of key composition skills.
In Year 8, students advance their understanding of key musical concepts and further develop their performance and composition skills by studying six units of work designed to introduce music from around the world, as well as explore the use of music in film and media. Students will build on their composition skills whilst further developing their ensemble communication and instrumental/vocal performance ability.
In Year 9 students further develop songwriting and arranging skills and explore more advanced contemporary music styles, learning how music has developed from the 17th century through today, with students given opportunities to showcase their work through various concerts and music events.
Music is offered as an option to KS4 students, where they will follow the BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice. This course is split into three components; exploring music products and styles, music skills development, and responding to a music brief. The course aims to develop key musical performance and composition skills and develop students personal management, confidence and communication skills.
Component One: Exploring Music Products and Styles
- Four presentations, evidencing the students' understanding of four different styles of music.
- Three short musical extracts (30-60 seconds) that demonstrate the students' understanding of their chosen genres musical characteristics.
- Students must choose three of the following project styles:
- A Recorded Performance
- A Live Music Performance
- An Original SOng/Composition
- A Film Composition
- A DAW / Music Technology Project
Component Two: Music Skills Development
- Two music projects in response to a provided brief with a combined total of 2-4 minutes.
- Students must select from the following three project types:
- A Music Performance
- A Music Composition
- A DAW Project
- Students will also be required to submit a log of evidence of their rehearsal process.
Component Three: Responding To A Music Brief
- External examination.
- Students will be sent a short list of songs as well as a list of music styles, then will be given 20 lessons to complete a performance based task set by the exam board.
The course is delivered through a series of performance based workshops, therefore basic performance ability on an instrument or voice is necessary in order to complete this course.
At KS5 we offer the RSL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma as a study option to our students, allowing students to progress perfectly from the foundations set during our KS4 course.
Throughout this course, students have the option to study a variety of specialised performance units, including Music Events Management, Composing Music, Improving Instrumental Practice, Lead Performer and Auditioning for Music, which allows us to maximise student progress through a selection of units that play to student strengths. Much like the Level 2 course, the Subsidiary Diploma is largely based on coursework, where students build a portfolio of evidence over time to support their musical progress. Students must either have completed a Level 2 music qualification or be able to demonstrate equivalent musical performance ability to be considered for this course.
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