School Uniform
The school uniform at The North School is detailed below.
We wish our students to look smart, professional and appropriate to the learning environment and in order to achieve this, students should be in full uniform at all times which includes blazers, however, these may be removed once inside a classroom. If you have any questions about the uniform or the suppliers please contact the school.
Black blazer with logo |
Compulsory for terms 1-5 |
White shirts – long or short sleeve |
School tie |
Black trousers* or pleated skirt with school logo |
Plain grey v neck jumper - must be from the school suppliers |
Black socks or tights |
Black leather shoes |
Physical Education Kit
Boys’ and Girls’ Kit
North School sky blue t-shirt | Compulsory |
Choose one option opposite for compulsory bottoms |
Navy blue overhead jumper with quarter zip | Compulsory |
Trainers | Compulsory |
Football boots* | Compulsory |
Shin pads* (compulsory for hockey and football) | Compulsory |
Navy blue football socks* (compulsory for hockey and football) | Compulsory |
Mouth guard* (compulsory for Rugby) | Compulsory |
Outdoor waterproof coat (not the same coat as worn to school) | Optional |
*Please check when these will be needed with the PE department as they may not need to be purchased until Term 2 or 3.*
School Shoes
When buying school shoes, please be aware of the following:
1. Black trainers or pumps of any kind are not permitted as uniform shoes.
2. School shoes must be plain black with no motifs, coloured stitching or coloured/reflective areas.
3. Boots are not permitted as uniform shoes for boys or girls.
Coats should be worn and be appropriate for the weather. Black or blue in colour and waterproof.
Basic Equipment
A student’s main school bag must be large enough to properly carry an A4 ring binder, packed lunch and PE kit. Smaller bags are not appropriate as a main school bag.
Students must have the following equipment:
- Pencil case
- Two black or blue ball-point pens
- One green pen
- Two HB pencils
- Eraser
- Pencil sharpener
- A4 plastic popper wallet
- Compass
- Reading book
- Protractor
- 30cm ruler
- Scientific Calculator
Uniform Suppliers
Pages School Wear Information
Pages school wear will be present during every parents evening throughout the year, however, uniform can all be ordered through their website for delivery to the school at no charge.
Preloved uniform is limited in its availability and can be purchased directly through the school.
Jewellery is not permitted to be worn in school; this includes piercings of any type, bracelets, necklaces, and anklets. The only permissible item is a wristwatch.
False/Acrylic/Gel Nails, Nail Varnish and False Eye Lashes
Please be aware that the above items are not permitted to be worn by students in school.
Hair should be worn neatly, in one natural colour, and in a manner that is safe and suitable for school. Hair must not be in vivid colours.Sixth Form
We have a professional dress code for our Sixth Form students. We feel this is a good way to prepare our students for working life and take pride in their appearance.