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The North School

Careers Guidance

A varied programme of careers advice, information and guidance is available to students in the Sixth Form. Ms Lamberton is trained to Level 7 in Careers Guidance and we provide an offer to students that adheres to the government statutory guidance based on the Gatsby Benchmarks. Career talks in assemblies, access to careers programmes and access to local labour market information are also available. 

Opportunities for students include one to one guidance interviews with Ms Lamberton, visits to events such as the What Career Live Show, UCAS HE Exhibition and the Apprenticeship Show.  We are also building relationships with local employers and are proud of our partnerships with Premier Foods and Brake Bros who each contribute to activities and work experience opportunities both within and outside of the school. 

This exposure to local employers has real benefits for our students. This year Brake Brothers invited students from Sixth Forms across Ashford to a performance based workshop, with the aim of selecting potential apprentices. Several of our students attended this rigorous programme of interviews and tasks, and we are delighted that one of them was selected for an apprenticeship. As a result of her impressive performance, she has been guaranteed full time employment when the apprenticeship is completed.

At the end of their first academic year, all students take part in work experience; this may be directly linked to their chosen courses of study and future aims and ambitions or can be a more generic placement, introducing them to the world of work and exploring the opportunities which might be available to them. 

The sixth form works in close partnership with local universities and has many opportunities to attend masterclasses and workshops as well as an e-mentoring programme linked with university and employers.