
Welcome to The North School, where we believe high expectations and a focus on achievement help us develop happy, confident learners who are supported, encouraged and inspired to reach their full potential.
As headteacher, I am proud of the way our students, staff, parents and carers create a community that supports our goal of ensuring students leave school with the right skills, appropriate qualifications and good grades.
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Ethos & Values
The North School recognises that people have different strengths and interests and we aim to give individuals the opportunity to develop those further where possible. In return we expect students to have high expectations of themselves and share our aim of 'putting achievement first'.
Our school values were selected through a consultation led by students, teachers, governors and parents. We believe that every member of the school community will therefore own, and help deliver, the values they put forward.
Learn MoreCurriculum
- Business
Business & Finance
The Business Studies Department provides students with an insight into the world of work. Students will discover how businesses operate and will learn about their key functions. Young people are a part of the business world and at some point each and every one is affected by it - as consumers, producers or employees. Business & Finance will use the experience of pupils and direct their interests into the 'real world'.
- Computing & ICT
& ICTComputing & ICT
“A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it is not that good” - Martin LeBlanc.
In computing & ICT we love being able to impart knowledge, skills and experience to our students. We consistently demonstrate a passion for the subject and show an enthusiasm for something students may one day be working on in the field. It is great to know that the journey began in our classrooms. Computing & ICT are hugely relevant subjects and ones that will have an impact in all forms of future study and in most areas of employment; it is difficult to think of an area where computing & ICT are not used. - Art
Creative Arts
Creative Arts
Creative Arts at The North School offers a platform for students to become creative thinkers. It teaches them transferable sub skills that benefit all areas of the curriculum. Our students work in a highly a stimulating environment where their work is valued and celebrated.
In art lessons, students are engaged and motivated by practical activities. We place a strong emphasis on developing observational skills, using materials, techniques, analysis and evaluation. We encourage risk taking through experimentation, enabling students to learn about materials, to be resilient and develop their ideas independently. Through the study of artists and other cultures, students are introduced to challenging social and emotional issues which they are able to explore visually and through speaking and writing. - English
In English, students explore a range of different texts, aimed at encouraging creativity, critical thinking and analysis of the world around them. Through the study of a variety of different mediums of written and spoken language, students are able to journey through the curriculum and experience a wealth of culturally significant literary landmarks, both from this country and abroad. In English the critical skills of analysis, evaluation, creative thought, debate and public speaking are honed gradually throughout their time with us, to ensure our students are not just able to complete examinations, but are also well equipped with skills required for life beyond the classroom.
- Geography
‘Geography is a subject which holds the key to our future’. It is a living, breathing subject, constantly adapting itself to change. It is dynamic and relevant. For me geography is a great adventure with a purpose. So many of the world's current issues and challenges boil down to geography, and need the geographers of the future to help us to understand them and to solve them.’ Michael Palin
- Health
Health &
Social CareHealth & Social Care
The Health & Social Care Department offers BTEC Level 1 and 2 award in Health and Social Care, and Level 3 BTEC National in Health and Social Care (Extended Certificate and Diploma)
Our health and social care courses are for pupils wishing to move into the health or social sector and related occupations. Students are able to uncover the aspects of health & social care that makes working in this sector so fulfilling and motivating.
- History
Welcome to the history department! Our motto is “where the past shapes your future” this is because we truly believe that history is one of the most important subjects that a young person can study. We teach an all-encompassing programme from the Romans all the way through to the Cold War.
- Maths
“It is impossible to be a mathematician without being a poet in soul” Sofia Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya
The concept of mathematics is an amazing achievement of human kind. It has provided us with an insight and explanation into the way the world works, helped us to develop technology and medicine and is worthy of study as a subject in its own right.
The study of mathematics will develop you as a person, helping you to improve your analytical, communication and problem solving skills – each very desirable in the working world.
Rene Descartes said “I think, therefore I am”. What do you think you could be and therefore what will you become?
Modern Foreign Languages
Modern Foreign Languages
Studying languages gives you more than just the skill to understand another language. It gives you an insight into other cultures and develops invaluable skills. The ability to speak another language is highly valued by many employers and not only that, many scientists believe that knowledge of another language can boost your brainpower. It has positive effects on your thinking skills, improves your memory and problem solving skills and helps you to multitask.
- PE
PE & Travel and tourism
The North School PE department aim to deliver a high quality physical education curriculum that inspires students to engage in a healthy, active lifestyle and encourages a love of Sport and Physical Activity. We provide a curriculum that gives students the opportunity to develop the values needed to be successful in later life and improve their physical, social and mental health. The school boasts some fantastic facilities, including a climbing wall and a fitness room, and we also are home to The North School Lions Basketball Academy. The school prides itself on involving the students in a wide range of sporting opportunities, and we have had students represent their town, county and region in a variety of sporting areas.
- Performing Arts
Performing Arts
Performing Arts
The aim of the Performing Arts is to provide students with a grounding in the different disciplines so they learn to respond creatively and imaginatively; thereby developing skills and confidence in creating, performing and appreciating a variety of styles and influences in dance, drama and music. Studying Performing Arts enables students to learn and develop lifelong skills that will enable them to become more reflective and independent learners as well as confident adults.
- Science
Medicine, communication, space travel, power generation, material development, transport and pretty much every other aspect of our lives has been guided by science. Many of the things we take for granted have not been around for very long and the pace of change is now getting even faster. This is all down to science.
Science is all about possibilities and asking the right questions to lead us one step further down the road to progress. Nothing is impossible. Given enough time and thoughts, answers to the most complex questions will reveal themselves.
The future is not set. All it takes is for one person to have what looks like a mad idea with the perseverance to see it through, and the future is brilliant. That person could be you. An idea is all it takes!
“Science means constantly walking a tightrope between blind faith and curiosity; between expertise and creativity; between bias and openness; between experience and epiphany; between ambition and passion; and between arrogance and conviction - in short, between an old today and a new tomorrow” - Heinrich Rohrer
- Social Sciences
Social Science
Social ScienceS
Incorporated into this department are the following subjects:
Law, Psychology. Sociology and Extended Project Qualification
Psychology is taught as a GCSE
Law, Psychology and Sociology are taught as A levels
Extended Project Review is taught in Year 7 (Level 1), Year 8 (Level 2) and Year 12 (Level 3)
- Technology
“We are changing the world with technology.” Bill Gates
Welcome to the Technology Department at The North School which comprises of both design technology and food technology. Within the department we strive for our students to develop their knowledge and understanding of this board curriculum area as well as developing their practical skills. The overall aim of the department is to develop students into problem solving individuals who take an interest in the knowledge they are gaining and who can demonstrate a wide range of practical skills which will serve them well as they move into the wider world outside of school.
- Values
Personal Development & RE
Personal Development & RE
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it” (Charles R. Swindall)
A high-quality Values education helps to provide pupils with knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to play a full and active part in society. To embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life, pupils need knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self-efficacy. Pupils can also put this knowledge into practice as they develop the capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks, challenges and complex contexts. Everyone faces difficult situations in their lives and the curriculum can support young people to develop resilience, to know how and when to ask for help, and to know where to access support.
School Results
Maths 4+
English & Math 4+
English 4+